201028 Covid Children

Sign at the playground, before the caution tape was put up. Oct. 28 We are seeing the beginning of the age of the Covid Children. It would make a good novel, set in the Black Death, or now. Or is it the Miri Episode on (the original) Star Trek. "Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah." Our children have gone months without the usual social and educational development and we will probably be doing this pandemic for another year, or 5. Robin and Indre just received a new set of Kiwico Kits, which are home-delivered make-it-yourself science projects, and Indre asks her father, "Will we still get kiwi kits when it's not covid anymore?" The kids must wear a mask to go out and play: talk about sci-fi! Cooties is real. In earlier years many of the children from school stopped at the the park to play together before going home. Most have not been to a park since March. Swings and slides were caution-taped until August, but I haven't seen anyone i...