201002 Mushrooms Hills Rain


 Oct 2

   Woke Wednesday to find that it had rained 58 mm in the night. I brought my rain gauge to Quebec, of course. Except for an occasional car passing by, the only sound was the rain.

   Yesterday Rain and I took a walk at a friend's property and Fig was able to run around off leash. He was thrilled and dashed everywhere, returning from time to time to share his delight with Rain. He waded in the pond around every corner, once or twice his paws sank into the mud which took him by surprise and he hastily retreated! For once he seemed unconcerned about wildlife smells and forest noises. He is stronger and coughs less since being in Quebec. (He has congestive heart failure, but the fresh air and exercise have helped.) 

   I was told to look out for mushrooms! My mother was a wild mushroom hunter and my nephew is an expert, but it is new to me. Two well-known species in the Estrie are the Chanterelle and the Boletus. K and I researched the Chanterelle and discovered that there is a look-alike that is poisonous, sensibly called False Chanterelle. I found some False Chanterelles yesterday - I was excited to be able to identify them! Now to find some true Chanterelles! 

   K and I went out in a drizzling rain and walked the West Hill trail. There were abundant fungi - some that looked quite unfriendly. 



           We looked for Chanterelles until our eyes were tired but found not a one. For a first foray it was to be expected. The forest floor was covered in leaves red and yellow. Unfortunately it seems like the leaf yellow is the same yellow as the Chanterelle! How soon after a rain do they pop up and do they push through the leaves or do you brush the leaves away? We don't know! But I am not discouraged, we'll go out again. 

Yesterday we were getting a little sun through the blowing clouds but the rain returned: another 10 mm. Are the colours of the trees more dramatic against a blue sky or a grey? The forest floor, like in Lothlorien, blanketed in leaves.

All day the clouds clung to the hills like smoke. But at evening as the sun set, blue began to appear. Perhaps we will have a nice day tomorrow.

Keep safe. 
Mumma Yaga


  1. Beautiful photos of the autumn colours! How lovely to hear that Fig’s cough has seen an improvement with the fresh air. I imagine you must all feel in better health out in the fresh country air! Enjoy your rest of your time there.


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