201015 Astronomy Wednesday Halloween

Oct. 15


Woody, who is Rain's (but he doesn't talk any more) and some Old Bear Stories animals who belong to Elf. 

On Tuesday K and I bought a car, revelled in a blue, blue sky and sunlight warmth and it was a (mostly) peaceful day of family and jobs-to-do dovetailing smoothly. After dark we went outside to see Mars rising in the east, bright and red, then Jupiter and Saturn in the south! K came out after a few minutes to announce that Venus had just set. It was a family astronomy lesson!

I declared Wednesday to be a day off. I would run no errands, contribute nothing to the household, just do my own thing all day. Dinner was leftovers so I didn't have to cook. I pottered about clearing out closets and boxes and baskets discovering treasures and "stuff" I haven't before found the time to sort through. My neighbour reminded me that when we get our mind-and-body "house" in order we are often able to tackle our actual house and put it in order. (One's home may reflect one's inner self and mind. I think this may apply to dreams as well, that a house in a dream may be one's self.) 

As part of my day off I watched a few minutes of Transplant from time to time. That is my current "binge". The thing is, I binge in small bites, ten minutes here and five minutes there. I watch movies the same way, multi-tasking or find-and-fetching, having to occasionally rewind (anachronistically speaking). I am still on season 1 of Transplant since I just started it in August after I finished 2 seasons of The Rookie. Regarding The Rookie, I didn't like the first episode but later jumped in at Episode 5 and was hooked. Characters were starting to cook. 

Tamar and I did a Value Village run to drop off our donations, which I somehow allowed during this do-nothing day. I am done and over so many clothes and "things" that have been stashed away. I had a parrot (not real!) that talked and clapped its beak and could learn phrases, but after two or three years I think it's time for another family to enjoy it. 


A journey begins with one step. 


Our neighbour at the corner has put plants and flowers on the city side of his hedge in such a friendly gesture of community. These little orange flowers gave me a smile. Someone else has this bush that goes a magical colour in the fall. Except, he says, like a pine tree, it kills the grass underneath it. (And it is probably not native to Canada.) 

I fashioned a witch out of an old broom and and cape. I feel the spirit of Halloween but I am not overly upset that the children will miss trick-or-treating. Tamar thought the kids might go round and about our house and trick-or-treat at our doors and windows! I think we could still go out and show off our costumes in the street then return home and find some old recipes for treats that neighbours made when I was little: popcorn balls, candy apples, Rice Krispie squares for the family to make and enjoy. Chocolate-dipped marshmallows with mini M and Ms on top - Okay, I'm in!

Keep safe. Witches are out! 
Mumma Yaga


  1. We were thinking candy at home and a neighborhood "fashion show" type walkaround would be nice! Remember the elementary school Halloween parade?


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