201023 Fog Quote of the Day "Bam"

 Oct. 23

Indre and I went out to see the day this morning and the fog was all around. We smelled the water in the air, and it seemed as if the other end of our street had disappeared! We took Fig and went to the corner to look for it - but then our end was gone! We've looked at clouds from inside now!


It is an act of community spirit to share a seasonal display with one's neighbours. Such a simple thing but when you put decorations up, it says "I'm with you!" to the rest of the street. I liked the colorful messages people put up at the beginning of covid-19.  On the right, an impromptu street game of soccer - all the kids were out! And Nick and I too. Soccer lends itself to social distancing. Bikes and scooters offer another safe play choice. 


A line in this blurb from The Toronto Star made my day.

"We can't preach water and drink wine." I haven't heard this before. Is it a "saying" in the Czech language or did Mr. Babis just coin it? I like it! 


Robin says that if you say "Bam" to someone, they can't talk (for some length of time), but, he says, grownups are "immune to it"! Sometimes, like at bedtime, you can't stop a grownup from telling you to, in that instance, "go to bed"!


Reports of a shocking new symptom of "New-car-itis" have come from a case in Etobicoke. Mumma Yaga was experiencing the usual symptoms shortly after buying her new car: reluctance to drive it anywhere, repeatedly removing (mostly imaginary) dust particles and fingerprints from doors and mirrors. (Second-hand car buyers are not immune.) But today she suffered temporary amnesia once she did take the car to a plaza: searching the parking lot for her old car, she panicked, especially when the old car keys were not hanging around her neck as usual. Her brain went straight to the worst scenario: "I left the keys in the car and it's been stolen!". Then she felt the Subaru key in her pocket and with recollection and relief she retraced her steps looking for the new car! Shaken but unhurt she drove, carefully, the three blocks to her home.


Please wear a mask and avoid indoor gatherings. Keep yourself and others safe. We can do this. 

Mumma Yaga 


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