Hello! (first post, April 5, 2020, and who we are.)

Hi. Thank you for visiting. This was my first post, April 5, 2020. For easier reading, I now use upper case letters where current convention dictates. I discarded them in university when I began to write poetry. I was heavily influenced by e. e. cummings, and poets everywhere were abandoning upper case letters and punctuation, using spaces and line-breaks instead; however in prose and journalism it makes for a difficult read. They often use spaces and page breaks in children's books, as well as punctuation, to keep pace with the pictures and to provide the reader with pause clues for surprise. [see 200530 lost comma]

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There follows, also, a guide to who we are. 


The names in this blog are fictitious.
The people and dogs are real.

Mumma Yaga: mother, grandmother, wife, ex-in-law...
K her husband
Tamar, eldest daughter, mother to Indre and Robin
Indre,  ("Indrey")
Nick, the children's father
Fig, the dog
Betty, bouvier mix, 2000 to 2013.
Shy, bouvier/st. bernard, 2010 to 2017.
Elf, my second daugher
Iz, her husband
Cricket, their son
Rain, my third daughter
Tal, her mate/partner

Mumma's family`of origin:
Mother: Elsa, Father: Scott
Older brothers :David           Angel, (Angie) wife of David
                          Fred      married, three children 
                          Brian     married, four children 

Younger brother:  Matthew      married, three children  

K's family of origin:
Mother: Cameron, Father: Doc
Younger brothers: Mick

Indonesia, a good friend
GM, a good friend (210426)
Hob: owner of the Hideaway.

Where are we? # 48 is the house in Etobicoke, where Tamar, Nick and their children live with us: our home since 1990. # 49 is the Etobicoke home of my childhood, where I lived from infancy, my parents' home until their deaths. The vineyard, Blind Dog Hill, is where K and I are staying (2020 through 2022), near Rain, in Potton County, the Estrie. 




it’s finally quiet here, the children gone to bed, and i have some time to write.
hi. i’m mumma yaga. the children call me gramma.
“grandmother” is an archetype we don like new clothes, just as we already wear the personae of the daughter, the lover, the mother.
when i became a grandmother i almost physically felt the persona settling on me, like a mantle.
and now i am sixty-five and my granddaughter is eight, and she and her brother and my eldest daughter live here with my husband and i. and the children’s father used to live here but then the divorce, so now he comes on weekends, except when there’s a pandemic: then he stays here until it’s over.
i am the homemaker in our household. (another persona.) i am good at many things, and i know a lot of stuff, and my children, adults now, call me for advice, medical, parenting, cooking, and for comfort and support.
i have become, in my 65 years, a wise old woman, an earth mother. so i began to think that someone might find my days and weeks interesting, or find some small wisdom, or a kindred idea, or some humor.
so - welcome. please take what you like of it, and leave what doesn’t fit.


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