201125 Lockdown Peanut Butter Sushi

my sushi. Not much changed for our family when the new lockdown began in Toronto. I did notice that the 401 and the 427 were unusually quiet at six pm., when it should have been busy. But we continued to observe such strict protocols through the summer and fall that Monday seemed no different. We haven't even had take-out since February let alone go out socially. I was surprised that people had returned so much to common public and social venues and events that they feel stifled and frustrated by the new orders. I don't understand the problem with waiting until covid-19 is properly defeated before resuming "regularly-scheduled programming". We are not children who don't understand delayed gratification. We don't have to do a "normal" Christmas, or wedding or birthday party for that matter. Big weddings seem extravagant and unnecessary at the best of times but right now it doesn't make sense. My parents, married during the war, were only allowe...