201107 November Trees Shoe
Nov. 7
A brave small tree by the stop-sign is (almost gleefully) turning red.

When, in 2016, Trump became the republican candidate, I heard a shoe drop, and waited for the other shoe. No one really believed that Trump would be president but I had a bad feeling from the start.
The Media has now declared Biden president-elect (2 pm.). It seems premature. I will wait for the other shoe to drop.
In Toronto the sun is shining and it is 21 degrees. Indre and I have been doing some mosaics on the porch. She and Robin are out playing in shirt-sleeves. Even November is holding its breath while we "wait, and wait, in Casablanca." *
My sphere project is a globe with place-name souvenirs. It has been eight years on the shelf. This is our backyard tree and the neighbours' much bigger one. I am not sure I appreciated autumn until this year. In other years I have only seen the winter coming. Not in a good way.
Keep Safe.
Mumma Yaga
* The Movie.
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