200630 "legal experts praise attention to racism." bullshit.
june 29 was anyone else seriously underwhelmed by judge di luca's verdict and excuses regarding the miller-thierault case? he says he is "not there to conduct public inquiry into race and policing"! yeti, he himself says that thierault was probably not trying to arrest miller but administer street justice! isn't this illegal? to act as vigilant? how is it possible that three mature strong men had to use self-defense against a young light-weight man? judge di luca did exactly what the racist system keeps doing! pushing the racist violence to one side, saying, sure, he can't be certain that miller told the truth, because after all, he IS black and may be afraid of the police and the justice system so he could have lied. BUT a white cop wouldn't lie for fear of prosecution and jail (for blinding a man!!) the star is hailing this as a racial win! "legal experts praise attention to racism."* " yes." says the judge. "i am happy to assure you...