200612 nine things

june 12 
good morning! i have been away for days.

  i began the mosaic on tuesday. it was actually indre who found the ideal spot for the dragon-head. i love the organic creativity of the process. i break a piece of ceramic and bring it to the log to find the right position and aspect, looking and testing for a match with other pieces and for where the broken end of the piece fits the shape of the wood. it's like finding the right note for the song, or the right word for the poem. 

here, i collected the ceramics i wanted for the project. 

below, the first fragments find their spot on the log. i want to call it waterlog. but i might become fishlog. the green tape is holding pieces in place while the mastic dries. mastic sticks the mass to the log.

  yesterday was an errand day. i went to atms at both banks to get more small bills for tips for some of the delivery people and curbside helpers. then i stopped at the little cheese shop on norseman, then 6 points dollar and finally loblaws for a pick-up.

  i referenced the novel, dune in my blog june 4 blog. on saturday the 6th, the book was written up in the globe and mail, as one of five sci fi books recommended. coincidence: what does it mean?

  buttercups waving in the wind. the grasses in the field are taller than fig. while we stood waiting for the kids, fig walked in a circle in the long grass and then lay down in the little clearing he had made.

  on-line purchases are very compelling. you place the order with your fingertips. enjoy the anticipation. [you ponder the nature of time, how you can move through it to the other side of an event just standing there (metaphorically or actually). you proceed through the minutes and hours, breathing and experiencing, scary or nice, and come out on the after-side, relieved or replete.] anticipating: "tracking" is for amateurs! in a few days the package arrives like a gift to yourself. you unwrap it and it is just right because it has been realized in the literal sense, has become real! you can't wait to do it again.

  the children have "castles" in the field under two maple trees whose branches meet across the path. they are sheltered on the north by a cluster of evergreens and beneath the maples are round clearings that form the castle floors. beware, a tuft of spikey grass in the path is the top of a monster's head. monsters live in the sub-basements of the castles. they are pet monsters. 

  on sunday there were four cars in a row again at the four-way stop and several garden parties were happening along the block. i guess the weather brought people out. a pool noodle would make a good six-foot guide for a covid gathering. you could have a pool noodle party, a poodle party. or a ten-foot pole party: byop. bring your own pole. (and mask and beer... well: bring your own everything!)

  some resourceful teenagers mowed a short "fairway" to the middle of the field and then a circle of mowed grass to be the green. a tree branch served as a pin to mark the hole.

  robin's word of the day: "coronataminated"!



  1. Coronataminated - very clever. Love the idea of the “poodle party”!


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