240315 sometimes you just have to get drunk or get your hair permed.

March 15, 2024 It's one of those days. I can't wait until tomorrow, I have to get a perm today. It's like when you need to get a new piercing, or, perhaps for the tattoo person, it's that. I have not stopped to look at this before, this "do it now" obsession that grabs you. It has to do with stress, for sure. But what makes it a magic bullet? (What kind of a ghastly expression is that?!) Magic may be involved, yes - a spell to change the water, to cleanse the well. But not a simple spell, this has to be a physical thing, like a bonfire. Burning something, changing an element - from wood to heat. ***** I find these temporary waters interesting; the stream that runs across the middle field, this pond that forms for several months of the year. It is partly that, as mundane as they are, in the middle of a city hydro field, they are nevertheless, somehow still magical waters. Each spring I see young duck couples hanging out in these ponds. Are they aware that i...