220126 crossed over
Jan. 26 [I preface this with a brief back-story, for new and returning readers. I had a strong reaction to my second vaccine, in June, 2021, which I believe contributed to the back pain and nerve pain I have suffered since then. When Omicron happened and then booster shots were being recommended, I had to weigh the risk of reaction, which would affect only me, and K, who would have to look after me, against the protection a booster would give my family and my community.] Today the sun is shining. I have received my booster shot. I was a long time deciding what to do about a third vaccine, but my FEAR, and vacillating, stumbling, wavering, dubiety were a big cloud around me. (thesaurus spelunking) I booked an appointment anyway, about ten days ago. And gradually the cloud of uncertainty dissipated and the fear which was so present dwindled to nothing, as I realized that it was "do it, or not do it". An interesting progression of mind-set it was, some of that "cognitive d...