210331 Suddenly there are birds.

Mar. 31 This morning the sun is shining and it feels like a true spring morning. Our meadow is filled with pink sunshine and the branches of the pine trees are red with expectation of new life. Suddenly there are birds. Through the winter there have been chickadees, crows and the pair of ravens who live here. This morning in the early sunshine I hear bird song all around and there are mating pairs flirting across the sky. A redwing in the first witch's hair, and three Bluejays in the blind witch's branches. Last night I heard the owl on the ridge for the second time. Fig, glad to be back, he is king of the mountain! We arrived back at the Vineyard at supper time on Sunday. The drive was uneventful in the extreme. Traffic was very light on the 401; we ran into a bit of a rush as we started south from Montreal. But those cars gradually trailed off to their destinations and we were almost alone for the last 70 km. It was quite surreal to be here at first, after spending a week...