210323 Spring in Toronto, Home News

 Mar. 23

We arrived in Toronto just in time for the blue skies and sunshine. Birds are singing everywhere. The 427 and Dundas Street are roaring. Not as bothersome as expected; rather it is like the roar of the city's blood in its veins. This is, after all, my home. I grew up here. 


Fig is enjoying being at home. He's been out to explore the back yard several times. I have taken him to the hydro field every day - he's right at home. Here is the hydro field creek - trickles along whenever there is enough water. (at right)

What a busy household here in Etobicoke. Mom and Dad and the children - all busy with school, work and play. When the kids get upset I find it hard not to interfere. I want to comfort them. But I have been in the parents' shoes too, you lose it sometimes: parenting is a learn for everyone.


Fig is not well, poor thing. He has cataracts in his eyes! I thought his retinas were detached but the vet couldn't see past the cataracts. He also has diabetes. This would be manageable if it wasn't for his already severe heart murmur ( at 5 out of 6, whatever that means - certainly far progressed), which causes congestive heart failure, affecting his breathing. The vet at Martin's Veterinary Hospital was so helpful and supportive of my decision not to take extreme measures to extend Fig's life: daily monitoring with blood sampling and insulin injections would add greatly to his stress and ultimately would only prolong his life a short while. We will love him and cherish our days with him as long as he is happy and without pain. He is 12 years old and has lived a good life, given us much joy. He weighs 7 kilos now, down from an overweight 13 kilos a year ago. He has also lost much of his long fur and looks nothing like his former fat fluffy self. He has adapted easily to being here and was so happy to see Indre. I have taken him to the hydro field and he has been right at home sniffing and wandering, meeting other dogs.
Here he is, camouflaged in last year's leaves, smelling the footprints laid down since the snow went.



I have lots to do: visits to friends and the doctor for a pneumonia vaccine, second of two, shopping for supplies easier or cheaper to find here, and packing clothes and mosaics supplies to take to Quebec. We hope that we can stay another six months at the vineyard, but we have to receive confirmation that it is possible. Prayers, and crossed fingers!

You can see how bare the ONRoute parking lot was. Not at all normal for a Sunday at noon!

This picture of Fig looks a little too much like Eeyore! * Sadness soon, but right now, let me love him and enjoy the sunshine with him. But his tail is still up. This is a happy sign. 


There is so much to do while we are here that I daren't stop. I go from one task to the next and set up appointments to fit in everyone. I am blessed to have friends with whom to share good news and sad.

Keep well. 

Mumma Yaga

*A.A.Milne, Winnie the Pooh


  1. I’m sorry for Fig’s troubles. I hope you enjoy every minute with him! He certainly must be delighted to spend some time with the kids again; what a treat for him, for you both.


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