210320 Equinox West Ridge Stream

 Mar. 20


Fig.(Who else?)

I walked to the west ridge stream this morning with Fig. We were able to walk on top of the snow; it was frozen enough to hold us. As soon as we reached the brook Fig was down the snowbank and into it drinking his fill of the pure mountain water. The "plinth" turns out to be hollow! Water was running down into the ground inside it with a loud gurgling. I had Fig on leash for safety but dropped it after we'd climbed back to the meadow while I stood and looked across the valley. After a few moments, I said, "Let's go!", but Fig turned back to the stream, climbed down again, waded in and had another drink! It was lovely to see him excited about something, and unafraid of exploring.

Today is the last day of below freezing temperatures for the next week. It is 5 above now. Monday it will be 14, Tuesday and Wednesday will hit 15. We won't be here to see the big thaw! I am disappointed, but we have to go to Toronto for a few days on business. When we come back, the snow to be all gone and the streams and brooks will be racing down the mountain! The first green shoots will be coming up on the hillside! What will be the first thing to bloom? We haven't been here in Spring so it will be an adventure to see the woods and meadows wake up! 

I want to bring some scarlet pimpernel from my garden in Toronto and some rose cuttings from the wild (now, at least) roses in the hydro field. I also have some hips from the same rose that may germinate. In the back yard I have a grape vine that I transplanted to my Toronto garden from my father's house, but that will have to stay there. I have a whole vineyard here! We will see in May how the vines are doing. No-one has tended them for many years. I will get the clothesline up, too as soon as the snow is gone and I can find it! The wheels are on two trees at the edge of the wood north of the house, but the line was fallen off.


We have arranged to get our first vaccine here in Quebec in April. I can't believe it! How the scientists of the world have come together in the race to produce a vaccine. It has been a collaborative success, quite impressive. It shows us what we can do if we join hands (metaphorically for now!). Quebec is under rigid lockdown; we are not allowed to visit another person on private property although we are allowed to meet in a park. Many of the small shops are open however, with strict protocols; masks, hand sanitizer at every door and customers limited to a few at a time. It sounds like Ontario is opening up again. I really have to wonder if it's a good idea, they seem to open and shut like a screen door on a hot day. I feel for the small restaurants though, they have been hard-hit. 


I am looking forward to seeing Indre and Robin. They will be excited to see Fig! I will take home some well water. The children enjoyed it when we brought some in October. Our well water is not sweet, like the house we were at in September. But is is pure, mechanically filtered but without any chemical treatment. It is heavenly to drink, but very cold.

I will bring back some mosaic supplies and tools, (dremel!) so I can do more creating. I have started grouting my first Quebec piece: a bread bowl using all Quebec brokens donated from the friperie; the bread bowl itself was a donated broken.


The beginnings of grouting.

This is my next project: a lamp that was broken and is now mended. I have a nice an assortment of Quebec-found brokens. Subdued colours, found in nature.

Happy Equinox! A good day to do some writing and thinking. Take a look back to the first of the year. Be sure to look ahead, too, for a path to take, or somewhere to break trail. Then come back to the present, breathe the day. 

Keep well. Thank you for visiting.

Mumma Yaga


  1. Happy Equinox!! Enjoy the visit back to Toronto… spring will await you upon your return!


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