240223 healing and gratefulness

Feb. 23. 2024 "Here comes the sun." K's surgery went well. He was kept in the ICU overnight, just precautionary. He is very sore, but I am sure that he is feeling relieved. He has a very long road of recovery ahead, but I feel more confident than I have since his second fall. The surgery he had in Sherbrooke, Quebec, seems like a dark ages attempt compared to the work done yesterday. Yet I feel apprehensive. There is a tendency for any medical intervention to lead to more problems, even if the initial problem was corrected. At this point I am having trouble being optimistic. One day at a time is the key. I took yesterday off. Rocky has been squirrelly, whining and fussing. In the field there are two dogs that are in heat and I wonder, since Rocky sniffs and scratches all around, and chases them about, if smelling their scent on his paws makes him want to go and find them. Of course the busy household and my frequent absences are also hard for him to deal with. So he and...