230425 "relative clumpiness" and other bits

April 25 On my phone, Dylan's Gotta Serve Somebody is playing. Haha. I had been thinking of a god just this morning, and said a prayer. A return to a god is the creeping of the faint-hearted, in the face of creeping old age. I long for arms to hold me and tell me it's going to be all right. The wide open thought-landscape of philosophy is terrifying to the old-age mind. I realized last night, as I sank gratefully into the mundane thoughts of here and now, of reading a book. or thinking about buying a new toothbrush. It felt like retreating from a volcano mouth, or wider, a blackness-filled universe too great for the human mind to grasp, too deep to swim in, too dark to see into, too mindless for refuge. Here again I want a god to reach for. If only, I think, I could make the young people see this mortality, realize the precious gift of life and live it, use it to climb up, while there is still limitless height. But, I fear, it is a paradox of life that this very limitl...