230225 lost and found

I am attached to material things. I feel the sentimental value of a tea chest, a ring. I have a bad history of losing rings and things. I now believe, since it finally clicked, after fifty-six years, that it began with losing a brand-new watch when I was eleven. Subconscious punishment? But I seem to lose jewelry with astonishing frequency. By accident or by intention, I have mislaid earrings, several rings, knocked and broken several rings, lost gems from settings. But, also astonishing, I have found or recovered things. Fifteen years ago I went camping. I remember that I did not want to take my rings with me, because I'd be swimming, but I wanted them safe, at home. They went missing that summer. I searched the file drawer where they used to live, and I remembered a small purse that I thought to leave them in. I thought they had gone to a second-hand shop in that purse. I hoped that someone who really needed them found and made use of them. Spelunking in the basement long-...