221030 october gone

Oct. 30 This rainbow seemed to plunge right into the valley below us, and then the sun dropped below the ridge and the rainbow was gone. Where has October gone? The days have blown away like the leaves and we are suddenly at its end! I have been caught up in caring for this baby. I had forgotten, not mentally, but viscerally, what it is like to have a toddler in the house, and how, as with a new puppy, you follow them about all day. Or they are in your arms while you do the things that need doing, or you are feeding them, then putting them down for a nap. All the time the two of you talk to each other, babble about what you are seeing, hearing, feeling. It is hard to find time for my own interests, they trickle to the bottom of the box. Here is our little person, examining the condition of the dry-stone wall. His father and grandfather are dry-stone "wallers". The rabbit hat is cute yes, but more importantly it seems to be comfortable and so it stays on! At the ...