221030 october gone
Oct. 30
The two evergreen ferns, almost the only green left, the intermediate wood fern and the Christmas fern: one wants to use human epithets, dauntless, almost sentinal.
We had our first true frost on Friday morning: the hay-scented fern all brown and frosted,
and this leaf! - thick with crystals.
This morning: Rocky and I were out early for our walk, and went up the meadow to find the sun.
K and I eat well, most of the time.* We try to eat whole, unprocessed foods, largely vegan. We avoid oils, margarine, sugars, although a teaspoon of maple syrup goes into almost every dish! (We also prefer to eat "locally", that is, foods that are sourced near us, that don't need travel expenses. I keep picturing a mango sitting in an airplane seat.) When I am busy, however, it can be challenging to find the time for food preparation. We sometimes eat pasta and bread, and sometimes meat and eggs. The next best thing to fresh is frozen and canned food, still whole and preserved while fresh. I was obviously craving, after a few days of quicker meals, nothing but whole plants. I used two cans of black beans, a large can of tomatoes, two cans of coconut milk (the minimally processed kind you cook with, not the "milk substitute" kind). I added a bunch of kale that had been wrapped as-is from Rain's garden and frozen, a fresh orange pepper, black pepper and curry powder (and yes, for the tomatoes, a teaspoon of maple syrup). It was quick to prepare, and delicious.
Dessert was our old favorite, being wholly Quebec, apples and (fresh!) cranberries, cooked soft, sweetened with maple syrup. At other times of the year I use dried cranberries, which are pre-sweetened. This winter however, I will freeze as much as I can - I just put them straight in the freezer in their store bag, and the grocer may also sell whole frozen cranberries all year, I don't know. Meals like this satisfy better than any other. I wanted a snack before bed, and again, could only imagine eating fresh: I made a big spinach and lettuce salad and dressed it with apple cider vinegar and (well, yes!) maple syrup.
Sunsets have been nice recently; I am my mother's daughter and want to see, each evening, the singular setting of this day's sun.
Then, last night, a harbinger of Halloween, the new moon was setting just after the sun.
Mumma Yaga
Most of the Time, a really nice Dylan song.
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