220829 a stone on the table

Yesterday, on my walk I came by the table that sits at the top of the meadow. Someone had placed a rock on it. I was shocked: angry and, I think, afraid. I assumed that it was reckless, trouble-making youths. I was angry because it is a very large rock, not easily removed, because the table belongs to the property and who, then, is invading the space? I was afraid of vandals and their cruelty. I treasure our safe privacy. This morning, as I walked up the camp road towards the top of the meadow, I began to think that it was, perhaps, an artistic, or a philosophical expression. I found, on reaching the table, that the stone had been placed in the middle of the table lengthwise and towards the "back", closer to the woods side. It was a considered position. Walkers on the property; there are many visitors; might not be aware that anyone else ever visits the table. We leave no sign that we have been there. They, I assume that it was more than one because the rock is very heavy, le...