220727 frog mumma

July 25 If I am being wholly present, then am I not "mind-less"?, meeting the moment with my heart or being? I suppose I would have to look at the meaning of "mind". There is a good deal of talk about "mindfulness" these days, and I think it is meant to be "being present", focussing the mind on the task at hand, be it work or play. One brings all of one's senses and thoughts to the "now", turning off the inner voice. This is a problem of language, isn't it? Sometimes I am mindless, just alive and here. It is July, truly the month that lasts forever. I am taken up with mosaic work, cooking, walking, being, just being, on the porch with K or Rocky, taking time to be ("be") with Rocky. I am caught up in the life of the trees and birds and little insects - their being (again) blows me away (there is a word for this somewhere). I stop to look and am bewitched (!), yes, I think that is the feeling sometimes, joy and awe bo...