220327 crumbs and snow

Mar. 27 This morning, spring snow, won't stay, but it's a bit cold for rain... Trickster beech in the snow. Rocky and the camp road. The second pond, today: Ponds on the ridge. They have formed among tree roots and stones. It is Sunday so there is no business to see to. I am making baked beans, baked for real, in the oven. It seems to make a difference, but I am also tweaking the recipe in other places. I now fry the salt pork and onions before I add them to the beans. Rocky and I have walked up the hill twice today. I cut through the woods for a while and that was heavier going. There are places where nothing has been and the snow, still two feet deep in spots, is soft through from the warmer temperatures - every few steps the snow is up over my boots. I often follow Rocky's paw prints to help with safe footing. I am also stopping, as I go about the house, at my work-table, to look at a piece in progress. I wonder if it helps to do art work in des...