210728 hummingbird moth not a lost hat

july 28 This is not a lost hat, though wouldn't it be spectacular! Today's bouquet is proving very popular: Then: "That is one tiny hummingbird!", I thought. But it's not a bird, it's a moth! The hummingbird moth. I saw one once in Dorset, UK, surreal then, and now. It is a sign ... ... of something. ***** In the afternoon I took the "camp road" that goes past our neighbour to the north and then to a "camp" much higher up. It is easier path for a second (convalescent) walk. I came across a ghost pipe, we once knew it as an Indian pipe, but ghost is better on so many levels, not least of which is its haunting appearance. I cut back through the meadow and came across these three insects feeding on a white meadowsweet clump. The two waspy ones came face to face around a corner and there was a little altercation. The moth carried on, unconcerned. ***** Last week when I had a couple of good days, I finished my second "Estrie" mosaic...