200511:3 inspired

may 11 2020

the pandemic puts a lot more "hindsight" into our 2020!

  i went downstairs and began work on the craft room. it used to be my children's craft room, but when they no longer lived here i took it over when i started mosaicing. i haven't done a single mosaic since indre was born so the room groans under 8 years of being used as a transport warehouse of packages bound for more distant storage. it needs sorting, and coordinating with other basement areas so that things get into their right place. there is christmas stuff in this room and mosaic stuff where the christmas stuff should be. it's like one of those puzzles where there is only one spare spot into which to move squares to recreate the picture as it should be: gridlock. but i just began at the door. it was that free-will moment when you just go do it, combined with the endless time of a pandemic day.
  indre and robin followed me down, more faithful than fig! while i worked they began to take from shelves ceramic chickens, dogs, chintzy china ladies in long gowns. these and several hundred other china dishes and figures comprise my material for mosaics. they are a collection gleaned from church sales and garage sales and second-hand charity shops. being in there brings a longing to get to work! so many interesting pieces to break and stick on the bowls, pillars and woodframe mirrors stacked like attic paintings against the walls. i have to nail shut the doors and work. i have a fish tree planned. but the tree part is waiting on the porch for warmer weather, and the ceramic-fish-and-shells part sits in boxes by the door.
  i have fetched in from the garage a five-foot wide roll of heavy clear plastic that indonesia and i brought home from a yard sale for five bucks. (9 or 10 years ago now!). i have already used several yards of it but there's at least enough to make giant door flaps for the room. it's a case of "you never know when it might come in handy". (welcome to my jungle. yesterday it was a bag of wool discovered in the craft room for indre to make pom-poms with. when tamar was isolated it was a one-person coffee maker for her room. if you need any size or design of jug, bowl or plate, i have it.)
  there's also a sewing corner in the craft room where there's every size of knitting needle and every color of thread. and a woefully under-used sewing machine. not much of a seamstress. but, send me your tired, your poor teddy bear with the torn ear, your elephant with the stuffing coming out. i am the doll and teddy doctor and general all-round mender in an age when i'm not sure how many young people even know what mending is!! i even sewed preloved clothes (closer to mending than sewing) for my daughters, during the rage.
