200511:4 nasty


may 11 2020

‘How long can a heart last like this?’
[washington post article, eli saslow: eli.saslow@washpost.com]

this article describes in her own words a woman's 9 week struggle with covid 19; bizarre and frightening symptoms that don't let up.

  as i have said before, this virus is "nasty and unpredictable". doctors keep finding more symptoms as they compare notes with other doctors: blood clots that are causing strokes in young people as well as old, purple toes(!), attacks on vital organs, as well as the most common lung affliction and lasting fatigue.
  i am reminded of several strange influenzas we have suffered from in recent years, though they were not so lethal as covid 19: one that attacked the muscles across one shoulder. badger, scill and i had it within a day or two of each other. one year it was a flu that seemed to come around again and again through 2 or 3 months. many people agreed that it seemed like the same one recurring. there was the christmas day flu, when we had to postpone  until the next day because we were all sick in bed. that was the year i decided to start getting the flu shot.
