February 25,2025
The long cold has ended and today we are seeing temperatures of 7 or 8 above! Dripping everywhere and a pale, but warm sun! It was actually yesterday that the first hint happened. I heard a rumble like thunder. K said, "It's snow coming off the roof." I went in search of the avalanche:

(The grid lines are the screen of the door!)
I took this picture of the woodshed, a week ago, after the winds drifted snow across. I dug a path through that afternoon. And I thought that was bad!
So much for getting the last of the wood in! The wood that was on the porch is used up.
October: This was a quarter of our supply.

Here is another avalanche in progress:
This was at seven o'clock this morning: (a close-up of the overhang! two feet of it, coming off the narrow porch roof) The lead-in picture, at the top of the page, is from one pm., and this first overhang had fallen.

This is the main section of the roof and if that snow all comes down we are trapped!
Here you can see the slide beginning. Hopefully it will fall bit by bit, or evaporate enough to prevent disaster.
This (below), beneath the front roof, is our only passage to the car, and to the outside world. If the snow comes off in one go, there will be a eight-foot wall of snow to dig through. The roof above the woodshed is only a quarter of the depth of this roof!
Rocky goes up to see Blackie several times a day. Well, first he goes
down our driveway. I love to see just his tail going cheerfully along between the snowbanks!

Here he comes, returning down their driveway.
And up ours again. He doesn't cut across the camp road and through the trees, because the snow is three or four feet deep there!
Rocky began shedding, suddenly, a week ago, and I guess, now, that he was anticipating this thaw! His coat normally has no white here. It is from his undercoat and reappears daily after I have brushed it away.
Fox said, "Watch me - I will make a tornado!"; proceeded to fly around and around the table thus creating said tornado. He and I play "chase" round this table, Fox with a jet pack (pretend), and firing stink bombs (also pretend!) as he goes! I feel honoured and blessed to be in Fox's life.
There is a nice sense of a shared experience today, as all across southern Ontario and Quebec, we are under the spell of this miraculous transformation of weather. Be well, and keep away from flooding creeks and rivers, (and avalanches) !
Mumma Yaga
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