250219 water and snow mostly pictures

 February 19, 2025

For days we have watched, housebound, as the snow blew devils across the meadow. 


We have water! On day one, an unenthusiastic plumber came and then left us to find, dig out and open the well. On day three, our new landlord asked the former caretaker to come and have a look at the situation. Her husband knows a lot about water systems and she knows a lot about the vineyard. They started things rolling, re-checked all the things the plumber had checked, and brought a heater to put at the spot where they suspected the frozen piece of pipe was.  The fourth morning they opened the well and checked the pump, then turned on the system and we had running water again! 

I was over the moon with relief and gratitude. I had asked the universe for good fortune, having no idea when things might get sorted, and the universe came through. We were blessed to receive kindness from so many: Rain brought buckets of water for the toilets, the farmers hiked to the well and back twice, Blackie's owner offered water and use of their bathroom, as did the farmer, and the caretaker and her husband gave hours of their time to help out. The caretaker and partner will be paid, of course, for their services, but nevertheless, they did the work, and brought more drinking water, and got into the barn (which was snowed in) to start up the water there. I did not know that the barn tap was from the old well! It is not potable, but would do for the rest. 

What an ordeal! Yet I walked through it hour by hour and day by day. My brain shut down like an overheated computer, and I could not think about "what ifs" or "what is wrong?";  I carried on. 

With the water back on, Elf and Cricket were able to visit after all. We had put it on hold during the crisis. We had a lovely visit. Rain and Fox came over and we went sledding on the driveway. It is a perfect run for these youngsters. Every time Fox sledded down, he shouted, "Best day ever!". It was such fun. 


We had a small break from the extreme cold and snow, and several evenings of calm. Venus has been bright in the west just at sunset. See her shining through the cloud.

Just before dawn, (Rocky wakes me earlier now that dawn is starting before six am.), I caught the moon setting. 

First of February found the moon and Venus dancing at sunset!

We will all remember the snowstorm of February, 2025. All across eastern Canada the cold continued while feet of snow fell! Snow days for many school districts and frantic dig-outs in every town and city. In the days that followed the wind was ferocious, howling and clattering about the house! I was grateful for a warm home and thought often about those unfortunates who must shelter somewhere on the streets. I wondered too, about the animals! What did they do to stay warm and find food? 

The house is set into the ground on the north side and this window is only a foot above ground. A lot of this snow drifted across the window after the snow fell.

This in the path outside the front door! We can't open it just now as it is snowed in. Rocky blazed that trail through the drift to go exploring. Just beyond the drift, the apron has been plowed by our plow guy who drives up in a giant tractor with a front shovel and a massive snowblower.

This was the only route to the apron where the car is parked,  (not that I have driven anywhere!), so I had to shovel a narrow path through to where the door is. the patio door on the south side of the house is clear, as it is sheltered under the balcony. Once I dug through this, I just had to clear that drift that Rocky waded through.

Not driving anywhere soon!

Here is our house swallowed up in the snow. Some of the piles are from the roof clearers, who shovel off the roof in February. the rest is from the plow clearing.

Good thing we don't need anything in the barn! The path was cleared and the barn opened only ten days ago.

I was thinking what fun children would have playing in this pile of snow.

The wind made strange moon-like patterns on the yard.

Anyone who lives in the country will find these snow scenes unremarkable, but for me, a city person, they are fascinating. I feel small and inconsequential, am reminded how much we are at the mercy of our wild environment.

Only in Mansonville (and most small towns in Canada, I expect!) would you see a snowmobile at the gas pump! I asked the driver's permission to take this photo. He was happy to oblige!

Rocky wears a tracker, (brand name Tractiv, not endorsing it - there may be better ones), because I worry that he will get stuck or injured and I need to be able to find him. GPS and phone signals are iffy here in the mountains, but most of the time I can track him.

Here is what my phone shows: the blue line is him, the blue dot is my phone (in case I am not sure where I am!).

When I put the mug handle on this lamp, I was not thinking that it would have any use. I like to put cup handles on my works, because it is fun, but often I do not forsee a functionality. I am able to run my cords through it to save having to search them out.

A migration of cloud animals crossed the sky heading east as the sun went behind the ridge.

It is late now, the sky is clear and full of stars. There is, at last, no wind. Coyotes are yipping and howling on the ridge and across the valley. They must be glad, too, that they have a calm, warmer night for hunting, at last.

Mumma Yaga
