250118 five coyotes wertzle ..."for all other inquiries press 47."

A few days ago, Rocky disappeared, and then showed up at the field half an hour later. Since then, I have been watching him most carefully. This morning I was watching, and he went behind a car and ... was gone. I called, and whistled. No Rocky. A while later I drove to the field and walked up the middle, looking for movement. Nothing. His disappearance always sends me into a panic, because I am afraid he is dead, run over, stolen, trapped, and I won't find him! Then, he is there at my side. Where did he come from? He will be the death of me! I have now bought a GPS dog tag, which costs a lot, and then there is the cost of the app. But I hope that it will pay off, if he even gets lost one time. He is old and I worry about him going off to die, or being out and about and then dying, and I wouldn't know what, nor where. These gadgets are fallible. If someone wants to steal the dog, or the GPS tag, you are out of luck. Five coyotes. I took Rocky to the field - he will do his busin...