241217 a candle for sun-return

The Sleeping Dragon in the mist: Sun rising: K and I like to be out to see the sun rise, never and always the same. It is one of those things that I think resonate in our deepest brain, the part of ourselves that is pre-modern, that echoes back through millennia of human existence when life was precarious and the sun coming up each morning was magical, a celebration of another night of darkness survived. Moon rising: This is our house at the vineyard. It is wonderful, spacious and impractical. This post carries a nostalgia, a saying goodbye to the vineyard. Nostalgia has a bad connotation, but I think that, taken just a little of, it is allowed, as an honouring of one's sadness, part of the process of letting go, and not to be dismissed out of hand. Turkeys, come for the apples: ***** November 12 was our first snowfall, not much but the ground was frozen enough for it to stay for a day.. Somehow the blur of tiny flakes, white rain, settling like powdered sugar on the grass, ...