241108 october 2024 - we've had it

October 11 The wind has been howling in the night as if it would blow the house down. It was 15 degrees at four in the morning, but now it is down to 11 degrees. The leaves, which were splendid, have been torn from the trees in the millions. I am always astounded at the profligacy of nature, throwing a summer's work away like yesterday's newspapers. The abundance, then the destruction, so that it will go to soil for some future summer. The leaves lie years deep in the forest, making earth for a decade from now, when the trees will bring forth another season's leaves to be thrown away in that fall. Haha, I just saw the "fall" in fall. In the morning the sun hits the ridge and brings out the reds. After the winds, the trees are bare and a wintry sun sets early. The geese have suddenly taken to the sky, leaving (leaves) in a burst of urgency to be gone by first frost. The frost, like Thanksgiving, is late this year, especially since last night's warm wind. We ha...