240113 snow

 January 13, 2024 

It snowed.
I kept the fire going, and I cooked black beans for scones, and fried mushrooms in soy sauce and maple syrup. A little maple syrup on the scones was heavenly.

You can make scones with anything. 

Elliot's lines kept coming to me.

"At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;

Neither from nor towards; at the still point..." *

I watched the snow falling; there was no yesterday, no tomorrow.

It is bedtime, but I feel curiously awake. The snow has stopped now and there is a star in the sky. The lights of the town are visible, and headlights flash behind the trees down the distant hills.

Mumma Yaga

* Excerpt from BURNT NORTON (No. 1 of 'Four Quartets')

by T.S. Eliot


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