
Showing posts from August, 2023

230825 alone on the highway

 August 25, 2023 Morning: You know you are on a roll when you wash that dish rack that has needed it for, well never mind how long! Up the hill to pick some fruit before it rains. And I am determined to get this post off my desk today! I feel inspired to get out for a walk in the woods too. Rocky will be glad. He wanders over the meadow and around, but never goes far. If I call him he comes running from nearby.  We have blueberries and blackberries that someone before us planted, plus the somewhat wild and ragged raspberries scattered about the meadow. It is magical to gather food from the land, eat it fresh from the earth. My mother, who loved to forage, would have been wild about the bounty.  Rain, we continue to have rain. This is becoming the year without summer. We have had a day here or there which was hot, summer green and shining sun. For the rest it has been cool or rainy. One day we could hear the rain approaching across the ridge like a wave. Rain in the valley: I have an eg