230125 snow!

Jan. 25 

A giant snowman appeared, in the midst of the storm, in the hydro field. Thank you to the someone who had a great time this afternoon, playing in the snow.

Here he is from the front:

 It seems so Canadian to be out shoveling snow as soon as it falls. Out we all come to clear the driveway. Also to clear our piece of sidewalk, and a neighbour's too, if needed. It brings us together - a collectivity. Most neighbours with snowblowers do some extra passes on nearby sidewalks. Someone shoveled my neighbour's drive, though she is away for a day or two, to allow her to pull right in when she returns; so kind. (I must interject here that I have escaped this Canadian quirk; I will make a pathway porch to road, and do my stretch of sidewalk and next door's too, but I would leave the driveway for some extra drive-overs to flatten it. I live with three other Canadian adults who must get out there to clear the driveway as if it's a human compulsion.) 

A snowman - it is art! It is a person, or several, making something for the world to see, but also just for themselves, to celebrate snow. Or something.... why DO we make snowmen? For the art of it!

Another, perfect in its simplicity.

An east wind always seems to bring the most fierce storms. Today was a good example, sudden and full-blown. I like storms because they care nothing for our urban self-sufficiency; they are bigger than humans and will blow their ferocious winds and pile their ferocious snowdrifts. We can be complacent in our civilized infrastructure of safe, secure support systems, but we must respect the power that now and then roars to remind us that we are small and frail. We must be prepared and humble, know that we should not laugh in the face of a storm, but love it and respect it.

I love to see the togetherness of us all anticipating a snowstorm and then, as a community, coming out to play, to shovel our paths, while walkers-by, (like me!), stop and talk with neighbours and share the storm experience. 

How delightful that a skier has already been out, just for the joy of skiing! 

No-one was on the rink however, as yet uncleared, and with the freezing rain that was blowing at 7:00 tonight, it would be cold and wet. And beautiful.

Rocky and I have been out several times since dusk, me to delight in the storm, Rocky, just because I came out. He would follow me into a dragon's den, but he doesn't like getting wet, all the same!

Keep safe. Charge your devices in case of a power outage! Bring in extra firewood. Make sure you have your car emergency kit up to date. 

Mumma Yaga
