220629 witches and frogs

June 29 i am shattered by the news this week. i cannot finish the sentences. ***** I was about to leave my writing to go and look for Rocky. K was worried, since we didn't see him after the old bridge, but here he comes (Rocky, that is), looking a little frazzled, as if he was worried too, limping a little on his right foreleg. ***** 120 kilometres to the city, five times in seven days. Twenty-five hours on the road. With the baby and, for four of the five trips, the dog. With gas $2.16 a litre. This is the down side of living in the Estrie. In Etobicoke, the vet is five minutes away and the doctor is ten minutes away. There are more stores and gas stations within five minutes of us than there are in a twenty kilometre radius from us on this hill. We have only tiny Mansonville, with its one corner store, one grocery, one gas station. There is also a bakery and a European deli. In the summertime a cantine opens beside the gas station to sell hamburgers and poutine. Living here is a ...