220421 snow and upheaval

April 21 This happened Sunday morning. (It happened last year, one morning.) Sunday at three pm, from the top of the meadow. At four-thirty. At five pm. At seven pm. ***** Today, Thursday, was only the second time I have left Rocky with K. The first time was only for an hour and he whined on and off, Rocky that is. Today was a longer trip, to take Rain to the vet; one of their dogs hurt its paw. I didn't know how to write that sentence without implying that it was Rain who was going to "see" the vet. K says that today, Rocky was relaxed and slept most of the time, while I was gone. I was pleased to see that upon my return he was calm and matter-of-fact, no hysterics or tears of abandonment. (Rocky, that is.) ***** Has anyone else experienced an upheaval in the last ten days? Our little circle, namely ourselves, Rain, Tal and the baby, has been through an Upheaval, upper-case, as if somehow there was a crack or a quake in the universe. Thursday last, it rained and rained ...