220309 mostly pictures - Indre will like it

 Mar. 9

Dragon in the sky. 

I asked for a sign.

We had a thaw on Sunday and Monday. The temperature rose to 12 degrees and the creeks and springs began to run. Here is the swamp by the split rock and the plinth:


Rocky is a good companion. 

"She was there in the meadow, where the creek used to rise..." * Places where water collects melt first, as if there are small springs in the hollows. 

From the top of the meadow, on our morning walk, with the west ridge on the right.

Monday night it turned cold again. Snow and wind blew, and we lost power sometime around six in the morning. We started the fire and put water on the woodstove to make coffee. We had all we needed for such an emergency, so it was a good adventure. Rock and I went up the camp road in the fresh snow for our morning walk.


From the top of the meadow again:

Blackie came with us up the camp road and down the meadow. 

Just after I took this picture, Rocky went up over the rock and leapt at Blackie. Here are their paw prints; such a difference in their size! 

There are nests visible now in the naked branches of trees. I don't disturb them, because some birds return to old nests and refurbish them for the new family. Here is one in a thorn bush, where a predator would have difficulty getting at it.

Something, probably a deer, has been at the bark of this tree. It stands alone by a pile of stones cleared from the meadow for farming, probably a hundred years ago, or more. I like the totem-pole raven's face; I didn't see it until I saw the photo. 

 The white birch on the ridge, the dancer, always inviting me to come for a dance.

Thank you for visiting. Keep well. Spring is around the corner.

Mumma Yaga

* Bob Dylan, Isis, Desire album, 1976
