220214 a small magic


The guardian sisters in the snow. My days are full, with Rocky, mosaic work, cooking, seeing, and breathing, joy. There is magic in these hills. I am bewitched. I feel grateful.

Rocky and I took our daily walk up the camp road this morning. Blackie joined us: I think they like each other's company. Soon Blackie runs off on his own but Rocky comes along with me, stopping frequently to look back. I love the way he keeps an eye on me, in the house or outside. (except when he has gone to bed. See below.)

We had several days of thaw last week. Snow fell off the roof; then more. This is our front door!

When the roads are like this they are perhaps worse than at any other time except for sheer ice. The mud becomes inches deep and the car has no traction. Then these ruts freeze. 

Sunday's cold weather brought sunshine; Rocky and I enjoyed some basking on the porch.

Tonight's moon, almost full. The stars will be out tonight too.

I think Rocky is getting enough exercise. Tonight he has gone before me to bed!

More soon. I am still working on the new project. It is coming along well, but slowly; every piece must be set just right for shape, colour, texture and balance. Sometimes the right piece comes quickly to hand as if the eye and fingers have jumped ahead to the shape and colour. I am a good way through the setting now. I began the grouting today as well. 

Be well.

Mumma Yaga
