220208 creativity

 Feb. 8

A reprieve this morning from the cold weather. The temperature is up from the minus teens to - 2 C, windless; it is balmy, and so pleasant to walk. Rocky and I took our walk down to the farm and saw the cows, about two kilometers return journey. I knew that a dog would be therapeutic for my physical recovery, and almost every day since his arrival we have been down to the the chicken woman's farm and back. It is their cows we visited this morning. It is farther than I have been walking since my illness. It gives Rocky his walk-time for the day, too, although he could do five times this distance and still make it back home for dinner! 

Blackie joined us for a while.

For the first four days of Rocky's time with us, he slept not at all, except at night with me, beside me on his bed or on mine. By Friday night he was probably getting pretty tired; at any rate, he felt safe enough to nap on his blanket by my desk chair, with his own from-home pillow under his head. Since then he has regularly fallen asleep by me, or if I am wandering about working, near K. He whined a lot the first few days, looking to me for reassurance, leadership, love. But that has stopped. Now he whines for communication only, if he hears Blackie outside; he will not bark, just murmur his interest, or if I am getting ready to go out, he murmur/whines, "I'm with you! Let's go!" 

Tonight he moved his bed to beside my chair. On purpose?, or just nesting?

I am in the middle of an urgent commission project that requires all my time for the next few days. I feel so much excitement in a project as materials accumulate, the perfect base appears at a friperie, and perfect signature pieces and brokens. Then the setting begins, each piece finding its position, drawing in complementary colours, shapes and textures. If you have made art, or improvised a recipe for dinner, you will know the excitement of creation. Your instincts take over and magic happens as ingredients pour into a new entity. Yesterday I felt the swirling energy of the creative process turning free outside my mind like a small tornado, running ahead of me into the future, and I let it go like a dog off-leash, trusting without anxiety that we would arrive together at a new good place. 

As I started my day, I picked an angel card for the day and drew "efficiency", so work-a-day, for a day of artwork, so I drew another - "creativity". That's better.

I feel well, no longer under the rough bully's hand of my illness. Since the first night Rocky slept beside me I have been blessed with sound, restorative sleep, awakened ready to rise and grab the joy of the new day. I am so happy I could barf!, as the saying goes in our house. 

Thank you for visiting. Take what fits into your journey and leave behind what doesn't. Be well.

Mumma Yaga

