210620 Revel

June 20 Summer solstice: revel of senses, revel of nature, revel of the physical. A day to go out into the sun, smell the air, see the flowers and trees, awake, vigorous, alive. Feast on strawberries and wine, walk barefoot on the earth, be roots, be tall as a tree. Today is a day for the senses, not for thoughts and words. Tonight no sleeping - stay up and dance, under the stars and the moon, while fireflies blink, magic, like fairies, among the leaves and grasses. The sun rose this morning at 5:02, but didn't clear the mountains until 5:29. It rises behind the north woods at this time of year. This was the sky in the east at 5:00. Over the west ridge a portentous cloud raven greeted the day: This was the winter solstice sunrise. The sun breaking over the Sleeper. ***** After the sun is gone from our lawn, it still lights up the far hills, the Sleeper. Frog and toad: (I think that's a book...) In the lower meadow in the middle of a copse of raspberry brambles, ...