210531 Lush (also dogs, rant, recipes)

May 31 In just a few weeks this has happened. Lush. The beautiful jack-in-the-pulpit: before this spring I had only ever seen one or two of these, in the woods of Ontario. The flower grows beneath the leaves, which look like large trillium leaves, three to a stem. ***** Mumma: "Doesn't it seem to you that the mountains are sometimes so big and close and other times so small and far away?" K: "No." ***** I have had dogs for twenty-one years: one, then two, then three, then two, then just Fig. I used to wonder why someone who lost a dog did not want to get another even after a few months. But now I understand, at least in part. It is not so much the loss and grief. For me it is about being tired and perhaps selfish. For a while I would like to be taking care of no-one but K and myself. I have been caring for, feeding, cleaning for, working for others since I was eighteen. The weight of that, finally lifted from my shoulders, was a lot, I suddenly see, at times con...