200712 Hospital Covid Tree Mozaic Rain-gauge Zoo

July 9

Waiting under some trees near the hospital while Indre gets stitches in her toe. She stepped on a piece of broken ceramic or a twig blown down in the storm. 

[Raise your hand if you are the designated family hospital person (DFHP). You have made dozens of hospital trips, many very memorable hours spent waiting. You have learned how to communicate with doctors and nurses and you know what questions to ask. I've been the DFHP at least since the children were babies. Then my parents needed my assistance in hospital visits, then cousins and in-laws. But with the grandchildren I am wanting to pass on the role to Tamar. She is very capable.]

So, I am waiting in a shady (And free) parking spot. In the covid world I have nowhere else to be! But unable to get a coffee and wi-fi. Waiting. It's 33 degrees: 39 humidex. But there is a breeze under the trees, I have books and sudoku on my ipad, and cool water to sip. 

At last they are done.The removal of some vegetable debris from the wound is good news as it means a twig was the culprit. Four stitches and we're home in time for dinner. (Does anyone remember what it was like before cell phones? Tam and I texted back and forth several times; what would we have done 30 years ago? Intuit, pre-plan.)

July 11 

It has rained and rained. We lost much in the tree accident. On Wednesday the storm broke a branch and it fell on the roof. What appeared to be a small branch split off but the tree people came with the world's largest cherry-picker truck and took out branch after branch. They left a disabled and elderly tree where our perfect maple once formed a leafy dome above the yard. K and I had nothing more pressing to do than watch the whole operation. Is this a gift that 39 years of marriage brings, that we enjoyed it together?

Three men and a cherry-picker.

Suddenly old and frail.

Today, the 12th.
   Yesterday marked 4 months of pandemic. Countries get to their feet and begin to move forward in spite of covid 19’s continued presence. Why is the US running blind into the wind on this? It's like the country has lost its mind. Remind me again why Mr. Trump is in charge? He has finally worn a mask (to visit a military hospital), so he does believe in covid 19!

Speaking of masks and Trump I wish Christopher Javacheff were here now! He could put masks on the Mount Rushmore four!! (He died May 31, 2020. Sad-face.)

If "Trump vs. the Pandemic)" were a movie, it would be considered over-the-top ridiculous! Trump: Dumb and Dumber. Could star Jim Carrey and a Mask.

It is eight years since i last made a mosiac. I had forgotten so much! Forgot how the background work is about matching shapes and colours. Slow work, but it seems almost to create itself. The perfect piece comes to hand.

Close-up of background.

Notice the trident, symbol of Poseidon.
It is from the china-mark on the back
of a blue plate I used.

Before I go:

Tamar gave me a rain gauge two birthdays ago: my best present ever. I love to know the temperature and how much rain. Wind gauge would be awesome! Wednesday, the day the tree fell (or was pushed!), we had 1.75 inches of rain. It was July 8, 2013 that we had almost 5 inches of rain in a couple of hours, more than hurricane hazel in 1954.

At the Zoo

Someone tells me its all happening at the zoo.

I don't believe it, I don't believe it's safe.



It's a long and tumble journey from the West Side

To the Zoo

A social-distance car ride

To the Zoo.

And you can take a virtual tour if you haven't got a car,

But the animals won't see you if you do.

If you do, now.

Apologies to P. Simon.

Thank you for visiting! Keep safe.


  1. Hahaha love your social-distancing rendition of the song! Nice read this morning before the day gets started — thanks!

  2. My faithful reader: thank you!


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