200530 lost comma

lost comma   (for a poet friend)  

(by mumma yaga)

i lost my comma she said
looking up as i entered the cafe
she swept up bagel crumbs into a pile and 
drew a dot and a gentle curve
white in the pale bits

contagious i whispered 
slowed my approach
she sighed and said
i must have left it somewhere
she showed me the 
unpunctuated poem

i pondered the handedness of the remark
she smiled bleakly comma
(just so i remember) 
offered me tea
i sat looking at the normal-looking poem

it might turn up i said
(but i recalled that they don't
they go down   to the left)
it's part of the poet's process
i said to lose meanings
parts of speech
write and right change places
left and left

you just left it out i said
like a bicycle in the rain
i tried to sound casual
but my words fell like stones
i once misplaced my 
upper case letters 
and look what's happened to me
