200427 children covid

april 27

  it's captain covid day #48, almost 7 weeks. i spoke to k about the stress i have been feeling recently. i was out frequently last week: each trip is an ordeal, puts you on edge. the days have gone from strange to surreal, as if i've been blown off my moorings. if only we could take a couple of hours rest from captain covid.                         
  i think the children are mostly okay. indre gets it. she's eight and she hears everything. we talk to her about it to ease her fears. but robin doesn't seem old enough, though he's almost 5, to get what's really going on. this might be why he's been difficult recently, easily upset. (it might also be a stage. every age is a stage, seems to me!) but we had a little talk today about the changes he sees and what he thinks and feels, so maybe he'll feel less off-kilter. 
  children are not always vocal about their fears and confusion. they are very aware of the moods of the adults around them and sometimes reluctant or unable to ask questions. at robin's age they may not know what is upsetting them nor have the words to voice their feelings. considering many adults have these difficulties, it's not surprising that children have them! it can be a challenge to take the time to create an opportunity for them to vocalize their fears. physical contact, holding their little hands and little bodies, is comforting; the younger the child, the more touch is important in helping them through these scary times. 
  i hope that i will get back a sense of control and reality soon. i am thankful to have k. i can count on him. having other people around helps you realize you're not coming unhinged, that it's strange for everyone. you're not imagining it!

  if you are on your own, or even if you're not, call a friend or relative each day, to see how they are, and to remind yourself that we're all in this together. 

  keep safe.


  1. Thank you for this post: it is reassuring and touching to read about “Captain COVID” where the wee ones are concerned, when they are not necessarily equipped with the understanding or the words to comprehend or express their fears or confusion. It’s been a huge preoccupation with our little one since the beginning. The young are so sensitive and pick up on our emotions and stresses so easily!


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