201016 looking for magic

 october 16, 2023

looking for magic

walk the hill 

call the witches

leaves red and brown and golden are 

returned to earth

spell cast

the wise witch saves apples on her upper branches for later falling

a spell uncast 

waiting for winter

the sun came through the half-naked trees

 against the stormy sky

the guardians bare and cold are watching

even in sleep the trees are present 

breathing their slow slow breaths

waiting for snow

there must be 

some dance or words or song 

to find again the magic i once felt

not so long ago

before the world crashed in and broke the web

synchronizing breath and hill

call the name that has no letters

draw the symbols on the stone

draw the fire

make the transformation 

leaf to earth apple to deer

vultures gather to fly south 

how do they know the way? 

we are lost without such magic

to know our own way home

mumma yaga 
