210926 Baby

 Sept. 26

After the rain, suddenly there seems to be more colour in the trees.

Rain's baby is born! A beautiful boy with red hair, like his father, he is perfect! I had the privilege and honour of being with them for the birth. Rain was amazing, and she and the baby are doing well. Tal was wonderful, loving, and supporting Rain through it all. 

Rain has become a mother. The baby is in perfect health, no problems, he passed all his tests with perfect scores. He has been consistently alert and engaged with Rain. His body tone is ideal, not limp or tight, his nursing instincts are good and he is getting the hang of coordinating them to latch properly. Rain is already well-versed in how to bring him to breast.

When I held him, the baby looked at me and listened to my voice, and my grandmother's arms knew just how to soothe and calm him while Rain had something to eat, but he knew that I was not his mother, and the way he looked at me said as much. I was quite impressed.

I am so glad that the baby is safely here, and Rain safely on the other side of this challenge. She is very happy - her love for her baby I think surprises her, the ease with which she became a mother to this small perfect being. She is confident and assured about her ability to take complete care of this helpless little boy. His beautiful face resembles Tal. He has long fingers that are too big for his little hands, like a puppy's paws! Those are from his dad. Even his toes are long, and curl to grasp Rain's finger! Ah, he is wonderful! 


The crows are amassing, preparing to go south perhaps. Some crows migrate, while others have learned to stay the winter. A rafter of turkey toms is hanging around the meadow, enjoying the windfall of apples under the witches and the guardian sisters. They run off when I go outside to the porch, but sneak back when they feel safe again. 

Last night a group of coyotes was making a fuss in the woods just below us, yipping and howling. I won't ever know what it was about, but I was so glad to hear them and know they live near us. Perhaps we will see more of them this winter.


We have walked over to the ridge pond once - it is about a foot down from July. There has been a drought here; many of the residents are without water. Last week's rain will have helped a little. We are okay just now; our well is holding its own, but we are being thrifty with the water, using small basins for washing, instead of the big sink and I am fortunately not needing numerous hot showers any more.

After the rain, baby clouds are born and rise from the valley.


I am suffering after the exertion of the birth day, and my pain has been bad the last couple of days. I am so frustrated and angry that I am not better! My pain has been a steel band around my rib cage the last few days, too bad for me to do any work or writing. This morning, after a good night of sleep I am able to get this written.

I did go to town yesterday for the Church Market and Reilly House. (What?!?) Had some enjoyable distraction shopping and talking to people. Several women asked about the baby. Had he been born yet? They send joyful wishes to Rain. Because we know Tal and his family we have an "in" with the local residents that we would not otherwise have had, perhaps. They are so welcoming and inclusive. The owner of the grocery store knows me well, and is so nice. It is a family business and then he hires local young people to give him an extra hand. Likewise, the dépanneur staff know me and are so friendly. Of course I am an old friend at Reilly House! 


I am sitting in the sun this morning; it now comes into the porch as soon as it clears the maple tree, and fills the porch with light and warmth all day. We are going to have a lovely fall here! We are blessed and I feel honoured to be here. Here, with Rain, Tal and baby. I shall call him Angel until they find his real name. And here, at the vineyard, on the mountain. I could belong here, I think. I love it so, already. It is a magical place, so close to heaven: " ... paradise waiting, five miles away from wherever I am." * 

Blackie has been to see us; yesterday he spent a couple of hours hanging out on the apron, as if he lived here! 

I am gathering my things now to go and spend some time with Rain. Thank you for visiting. Be well. Please keep safe and remember that the pandemic is not over. 

Mumma Yaga

* John Prine, Paradise, 1971.



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