210807 two days apple sisters

 August 6, Friday

Early morning, the sun has just risen. I gave up trying to sleep, sat on the porch, and watched the stars all night. I saw one falling, and there were faint flashes high in the atmosphere - heat lightning? Haven't seen it before in my life so far away or so high in the sky.  A couple of late fireflies flashed earthbound on the lawn. At three in the morning an owl who-whoo'd. Silver linings faint in a night sleepless and in pain.

I went to see a physiotherapist yesterday. He said that my whole back and abdomen were in spasm from some initial trigger which has been allowed to progress from bad to worse over the last two weeks. The exercises were helpful and I begin to hope that this may finally resolve itself. It continues to seem like another or further gross overreaction of my body to something which should not have caused so much stress.

A smoky haze shrouds the hills, while across Ontario and Manitoba wildfires burn out of control.


August 7, Saturday

The sisters this morning:

Yesterday continued to go well. I saw the physiotherapist again in the afternoon, then I was able to put some dinner on the table. After barely an hour of sleep, however, I was back in the insanity of getting through the next five minutes on the clock. Now, at last it is 4:30 in the morning. I am sitting on the porch having my second cup of coffee - calling an end to another sleepless night. The sky lightening, and perhaps the coffee, have brought my pain down from a seven/eight to a four (out of ten) and I can sit still long enough to do something after spending the night pacing the porch and getting in and out of a hot bath every ten minutes. It is incredibly frustrating to have no idea what is really going on. The progression of symptoms seems connected, starting with the vaccine. I do not regret receiving the vaccine. I am thankful that we have good recourse against this scary, unpredictable virus. I have no idea of how much my affliction is or was connected to the vaccine. Bad reactions seem to be rare so there is easily some different, entirely coincidental issue. 


I hear K putting the tea on. He has likely had the longest and best sleep he's had in days. He has been so kind and patient. It is time to make a move. 

Keep well.

Mumma Yaga
