210428 Sunrise New Guitar Two Ponds

 Apr. 28

I was awake and thinking about getting up when K called me to come and see this. (5:52 am.)

In minutes it had paled to gold, then the song ended and it was daylight. It was K who called it an orchestra of light.


I took Rain into Mansonville today on an errand and we stopped at Reilly House. They are open on Wednesdays and Saturdays. There I found myself a replacement guitar, same three-quarter size as my broken one, in excellent condition. I was able to "date" it by the logo, which was in use by the makers from 1981 to 1988. The things you can find out on the internet... 

I knew that a new guitar would come along one day, but did not expect it to be so soon. The universe unfolds as it should.  From Desiderata - "And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." * Nowhere is this more clear to me than when I am second-hand shopping, as inconsequential as that seems. Just when you need something, there it will be. Of course this is partly because, before, you weren't looking for it, so you weren't always seeing it. But, once aware, you begin to see exciting connections if you watch for them. You need someone to teach you a new skill and then you meet a teacher. You remember that you want to know more about a subject and a book falls off the shelf at the bookshop. It's helpful to remind yourself of this adage when the book falls, or the guitar turns up. I was going to pass on the guitar because it wasn't a great bargain, then I realized that it was probably meant for me. 


Yesterday K and I walked down to the pond-that-was. It is at the bottom of our property beyond the trees. Here is what is left of the pond. (I've shown this before.) That giant rock used to be under water. But it is delightful all the same to see the little frogs and salamanders in the shallow patch of water that remains.

We walked back home along the ridge stream which empties into this pond. I am beginning to know some of the trees and boulders along the stream and in the meadow. As we climbed, I foresaw a time in the future when I will know all the turns and falls of the stream and the trees of the ridge.

After lunch Fig and I went over to the ridge pond, just to see it. He immediately heads down the bank for a drink. The picture doesn't show how the water is clear to the bottom, like a cenote in Mexico, but you can make out the individual leaves that blanket the bottom, and the small clouds of eggs that cling to a plant growing there. 

We walked on up the meadow to the pile of stones left by the early settlers when they cleared the meadow. A lone tree grows there protected from the fauna by the stones, allowed by the farmers to grow, because of the stones. That low bush is not the tree, which is to my left out of the frame. Beside the stone pile a lone clump of daffodils grows, cheerfully alone and untended. They are not native to Canada so these must have run away from some nearby garden. 

This picture was taken from up in the meadow looking down on our chalet and barn; that is Owl's Head, cone-shaped, in the distance. It rises above Lac Memphramagog, which takes a turn east at the mountain before stretching on into Vermont. 

Map showing the long narrow Lac Memphramagog from the "Maps" app. **

I discovered a patch of pussytoes just beyond the chicken house. On the right, a photo of brambles all leaning south, towards the sun. They are red with spring and starting to bud. There are several types of prickly cane plants growing around here; some may be raspberries, or roses, but until they blossom I will just stick with "bramble", which covers them all.


In the garden, a trout lily in full bloom. So prolific in these hills but so beautiful and full of rare charm. On the right is a forked branch I picked up for my father, who would have fashioned a sling-shot from it.


It is warm today, after a few days of chilly winds in spite of higher temperatures, but the sky is starting to look like rain. I am going to tune my new guitar and then do a bit of nothing before it's time to start dinner. Be well. Thank you for visiting.

Mumma Yaga

* Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, @ 1927

** From App Store:


  1. Lovely. What a stunning "orchestra of light"!
    Enjoy getting to know your new guitar. I'm sure it will be nice to play again!


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