210107 the emperor is naked.

jan. 7

This morning the sun is shining. I must turn my attention to what is on my own plate today. I have duties to those in my sphere of care, and chores to perform, but I don't want to ignore the events of yesterday which the whole world watched in shock.

The frightful scene of the security officer's retreat up the staircase of the Capitol building as the invading protester tracks him, his repeated stand and retreat is straight out of a horror film as the monster advances and the brave defender is forced backwards with nowhere to go.* The animalistic howling of a painted man in fur and horns is a nightmare.**

"Awake! Fear, fire, foes!" Once again I am transported to the fantasy world of The Lord of the Rings. I want to cry out the Horn-Cry of Buckland.***

I decry and mourn the deaths and injuries of yesterday's insanity. 

The emperor has no clothes. Stop pretending, stop allowing the lies to go on. The meanings of truth and reality are on the line in the United States. 

Enough of hoping it will go away, enough of the disbelief that has seen journalists and politicians sit back and take no real stand against the wrongs of Trump. Please don't say that it's only 13 days. That is not a reason to disregard illegal, dangerous behavior. 

Perhaps the remedy for this situation is out of my hands, and I have been reminded to let go that which is not in my power to fix, rightly, I think.**** And I myself have criticized those who continue to fight a battle with words that seem ineffectual and impotent given the enormity of this evil. But I cannot be silent. At the least, we can remember this day when injustice and lies invade our own lives, and be prepared to face them with a commitment to truth, non-violence and the courage to speak out.

Keep well. 

Mumma Yaga


**  https://nypost.com/2021/01/07/man-in-horned-helmet-at-capitol-protest-identified-as-qanon-backer/

*** J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Book 1, Chapter 11.

**** Thank you to S. for his wise comments and support.
