201207 Quebec Mosaic Jupiter and Saturn

K and I have rented this house in the Eastern Townships for the next few months.

 Rain sent me this picture on Sunday: the view from the house, now! The building in the photo is an underground building that was, I think, for wine-making. There is a vineyard on the property. 


 Four years ago this month, I was in Quebec at Elf's home, (she lived an hour north of Montreal then) waiting for the birth of their first child. I spent three weeks with Elf and Iz. The baby was late so I didn't get much time wth him but it was such a pleasure to get to know Iz better and to enjoy their lovely home. If I ventured out to the stores nearby I had to rely on my french to communicate since we were far from the big city. It was fun because the people were generous and laughingly struggled to use their limited english. Elf made an amazing gingerbread train while she waited for the birth. I was honoured to be able to be there and hold Elf's baby in my arms. Happy Birthday, Cricket, soon you'll be four!


This is Cricket, who was born that December. He's grown into a lovely child and we are great friends on FaceTime.


Here is Indre's mosaic box, which I grouted for her, finally finished today just 24 hours short of the deadline (Quebec). Her design and execution are amazing. She was reluctant to do the grouting, probably because she could see how challenging it is but it was an easy task for my experienced fingers.


This month Jupiter and Saturn perform a dance that happens only once in 8 centuries. The "grand conjunction" is especially close this year and occurs on the Solstice, which is quite magical! The writer says it quite poetically so I will just copy the article below which appeared in the Globe and Mail, December 7, 2020. The image can be made bigger: with a touch screen just do the thumb-finger thing, with a regular computer you can use "control + " or click on it, being a photo it will get bigger to fit your screen.

Thank you for visiting. Keep safe. 
