200814 covid day 157

 august 14

The morning I wrote "day 42" on the covid slate, I flashed on writing day 157, and I really couldn't imagine I it, but it's here: 22 weeks, 5 months we have been doing this. The world is showing burnout, the need to gain economic ground and the increasing desperation of the poor and the marginalized is pushing at the gates of change. On the other side of the coin is a wider scientific understanding of the virus with metadata starting to provide answers and labs getting closer to a vaccine. New, more hopeful data is showing up, just in time for school starting (??) and a Russian vaccine.* Data out of Africa is showing differences in covid-19 behavior there. "Reality" is a word without a meaning. It is a limp clock in a Dali painting. Its doors are blown off.

    The Sea Log, completed August 13, 2020.


The young Cooper's Hawks are out and about this morning. Moments ago they flew to their tree and perched unsteadily under the edge of the canopy to watch a flight of teenage daredevil pigeons wheel above them. Three of them broke away and swung back west and the hawks made a beeline for the top of their flight curve. Then everything went quiet. Yum.

Does everyone remember where they were during The Great Blackout of 2003? Please share your memories in comments! 

Keep Safe!Thank you for visiting. Mumma is very busy and will be back in a few days. 

* References upon request.
